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Stabilizing Spoon Announces Price Reduction and Match Program for Holidays

Stabilizing Spoon Announces Price Reduction and Match Program for Holidays

In nearly one week Americans will gather at their tables with loved ones to give thanks and break bread. There are some challenges to enjoying a Thanksgiving meal with family and friends: a long trip through heavy traffic, perfecting a pumpkin pie. For people with Parkinson’s, however, other issues may preclude them from feasting on the holiday meal.

Tremor, a cardinal symptom of the disease, may make it difficult to partake in the soup course or navigate that slippery cranberry sauce. These limitations may make people self-conscious and lead to isolation, which studies have shown exacerbates Parkinson’s symptoms and negatively impacts wellness.

One company wants to make it easier for people with tremor — from Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor or other conditions — to enjoy meals and time with loved ones. Liftware is a stabilizing handle with soup spoon, everyday spoon and fork attachments.

"We're enthusiastic about the potential of emerging technologies, including specialized devices like Liftware, to help people with PD live well with their disease while we continue our urgent pursuit of breakthrough treatments and a cure," said Todd Sherer, PhD, Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) CEO.

Today the company announced that it has lowered its price for the handle and soup spoon attachment through December 31, 2015, to $195 (a $100 discount). In addition, Liftware will run a “buy one, give one” matching program for each device purchased during the week of December 1.

“Our biggest motivation is to help more people and make it easier to put a Liftware device into the hands of everyone who needs one this holiday season," said Anupam Pathak, Liftware founder.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation has partnered with Liftware and the Melvin Weinstein Parkinson’s Foundation to connect the donated devices to those who could not otherwise access this technology.

Apply to the Uplift Program for a gifted Liftware starter kit.

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