"What matters most isn't getting diagnosed with Parkinson's, it's what you do next. The choices we make after we're diagnosed can open doors to possibilities you'd never imagine."
Dave was a founding member of MJFF's Patient Council and along with Soania Mathur served as its first co-chair. He also moderated the Foundation's Third Thursday webinar series for several years. He continues to serve as contributing editor and moderator for the Foundation's research roundtables and other special events.
Dave spent his career in broadcast journalism as a reporter, producer and writer for both local and national programs on PBS and NPR. His 2009 PBS Frontline film, My Father, My Brother and Me, explored the latest research on Parkinson's and his own family's saga with the disease. His most recent film is Capturing Grace, a feature documentary about a group of dancers with Parkinson's and their unique collaboration with the world-renowned Mark Morris Dance Group in Brooklyn. It aired on PBS in 2015.
The MJFF Patient Council was established in March 2009 as a formal channel for the Foundation to solicit input from PD patients and the broader Parkinson's community. The Council advises the Foundation on programmatic fronts including (but not limited to) strategies to best convey patient priorities to the research community and its funders; content and emphasis for patient education and outreach relevant to MJFF's mission to find a cure; patient roles in developing novel ways to conduct research; and mechanisms for impact assessment.