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Michael J. Fox in Capitol Hill.

Contact Your Policymakers

Your voice is powerful.

By helping policymakers understand what is fundamentally important to those who know Parkinson's disease intimately, you can shape their decision-making. Contact your elected officials now and tell them how they can use their votes to support Parkinson’s research and care.

Want to stay up to date on Parkinson's public policy? Sign up to join our policy network at

  • An image of the White House

    Tell the White House: Ban Paraquat Now

    Paraquat is an herbicide that is thought to increase Parkinson’s risk by 100 to 500 percent. Sign our petition to tell the White House: The U.S. must join 70 other countries and ban this harmful chemical.
  • Spraying pesticides

    Urge Your Representatives to Cosponsor the HEALTHY BRAINS Act

    Please reach out to your U.S. representatives to ask for their support of a new bill to research the link between environmental risk factors and neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonisms.
  • Doctor looking at iPad with patient

    Improve Early Detection of Cognitive Impairment

    Catching cognitive impairment — a worrisome symptom of neurological diseases like Parkinson’s — is crucial to putting patients on the right treatment path. Tell Congress to advance the CHANGE Act to improve earlier detection of cognitive changes in patients.
  • Scientist with test tube

    Support Patient Access to Tests Used to Diagnose Parkinson’s

    A drug that contains a radioactive substance, known as a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical, can help health care providers diagnose and determine the severity of diseases like Parkinson’s. But these drugs are not available to all Parkinson's patients. Urge Congress to expand access now.
  • The Capitol Building.

    Thank Congress for Passing the National Plan to End Parkinson's Act

    On July 2, 2024, President Biden signed the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act into law! Please thank your members of Congress for passing this bipartisan bill.
  • Capitol building

    Tell Congress to Fund Critical Parkinson’s Research and Care

    Congress is currently making budget decisions for fiscal year 2025. Tell them to fund Parkinson’s research and care now.
  • medication

    Help Advance the Safe Step Act

    Advocate for legislation that would change protocols that prevent people with Parkinson's from accessing the medication they need.
  • Man spraying herbicide

    Tell Congress to Ban Harmful Toxins Linked to Parkinson's

    Ask Congress to support a bill that calls for banning paraquat and other dangerous pesticides used in farming and agriculture.
  • People inside a Capitol Hill building.

    Interested in Parkinson’s Advocacy? Join Our Policy Network

    Share your contact information and we’ll make sure you receive the latest action alerts and policy updates directly to your inbox.
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Want to Get More Involved?

There are many ways to make your voice heard. Download our advocacy toolkit and other educational materials to learn how you can influence public policy.

“Don’t ever be afraid to tell your story, because the more people calling and emailing their members of Congress, the better. Our voices matter.”
Judy Bellenfant Parkinson’s advocate and care partner
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