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Detroit Gala 2

Be a Fundraiser

Team Fox members have raised over $121 million for Parkinson's research since 2006. You too can be part of this passionate community of change-makers bringing us closer to a cure.

"What is Team Fox?"

Team Fox is the grassroots community fundraising program of The Michael J. Fox Foundation. Since 2006, Team Fox members worldwide have been turning their passions and interests into opportunities to raise funds and awareness for PD research. Every penny donated by Team Fox members goes straight to our high-impact research programs to help speed a cure for Parkinson's. 

For inspiration, check out The Latest from Team Fox.

MVP Central Park

Ways To Get Involved

  • Illustrated to-do list with pencil.

    Team Fox Do-It-Yourself

    Team Fox members worldwide are turning their passions into successful fundraising events — from hosting pickleball events or pancake breakfasts to organizing local 5Ks and golf tournaments.

  • Illustrated ribbon with a star.

    Run/Walk and Cycling Series

    Join a Foundation-hosted Run/Walk event or a Tour de Fox cycling event — locally or virtually. Every mile moves us one step closer to a cure for Parkinson's disease.

  • Illustrated person running toward a finish line.

    Team Fox Endurance Events

    Whether running in a popular marathon or summiting a major peak, choose from a wide variety of endurance events to help advance our mission.

  • Illustrated handshake.

    Team Fox Young Professionals

    The Team Fox Young Professionals (YPs) are groups of proactive individuals, commonly in their 20s and 30s, who dedicate their time and ideas to help raise awareness and funds in their communities. YPs serve as long-term ambassadors for The Michael J. Fox Foundation by hosting fundraisers, attending events and connecting with the community at a local level. 

  • Illustrated gift wrapped with a bow.

    Portion of Proceeds Partner

    Team Fox members are entrepreneurial when it comes to utilizing innovative businesses and crafty projects to fundraise. Many members of our community use portion of proceeds (PoP) sales or host an event through a business to engage their networks in supporting vital Parkinson's disease research.



  • Illustrated party popper with confetti.

    Team Fox DIY Series

    Plan a DIY event through the Team Fox DIY series program — a Pickleball 4 Parkinson's, Pints for Parkinson's, Pancakes for Parkinson's event or host a Topgolf location with Targeting a Cure. Participating in the DIY series program provides you with resources for hosting an event and connects you with other event leads hosting a similar event. Email us at to get your DIY series event started! 

"Have you ever noticed that optimism, energy and generosity are contagious? There's something about watching someone you know take on a cause that makes you want to get involved too. That's the big idea behind Team Fox."
Fox Thumbnail

Follow our social channels for updates about our community fundraisers and to celebrate fundraising success. #GoTeamFox

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