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Announcing Miles for a Cure 2014: Race to $50K

Announcing Miles for a Cure 2014: Race to $50K

Last year during our inaugural Miles for a Cure, we challenged you walk, run or bike using the Charity Miles app to raise dollars for Parkinson’s research over the course of 30 days. And the results were incredible.

Of course, every time you use the Charity Miles app to log miles you walk, run or bike, you’re racking up funds for critical Parkinson’s research. But beginning this Friday, October 3, our partner sponsor Medtronic DBS Therapy wants to take those miles even further, matching an additional $1 per mile up to $50,000.

And this time around, we're challenging you to reach this goal as fast as possible. Because there's no time to waste — the sooner we can raise $50K for Parkinson's research, the closer we'll be to new treatments and a cure for those living with the disease today.

So what are you waiting for? Here's how to participate:

  1. 1.


    Download the Charity Miles smartphone app for iPhone or Android,
    select The Michael J. Fox Foundation as your charity and get moving!
    (Don't have a smartphone? Use our Manual Miles form to track your
    miles daily.)

  2. 2.


    Help us reach our goal by sharing Miles for a Cure with your friends,
    family and social networks! If you're sharing on social,
    use #milesforacure14.

  3. 3.


    Gather your friends, family or support group to rack up miles together.
    Share a picture of your group on social and you may see it on
    The Michael J. Fox Foundation's Facebook or Twitter feeds!


Your morning bike ride? An afternoon trip to your favorite coffee shop? Your marathon training runs? No matter how far you go or how you get there, you're getting us all closer to a cure. It's that simple.

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