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Parkinson's Screening Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims to help people determine if they should speak to their doctor or a movement disorder specialist about Parkinson's disease.

If you answer yes to several of the questions below, discuss these changes with your doctor or visit a movement disorder specialist. Talk to your doctor even if you answer no to most of these questions but feel that something has changed in your abilities or quality of life.

  1. Have you been getting slower in your usual daily activities?
  2. Is your handwriting smaller?
  3. Is your speech slurred or softer?
  4. Do you have trouble rising from a chair?
  5. Do your lips, hands, arms and/or legs shake?
  6. Have you noticed more stiffness?
  7. Do you have trouble fastening buttons or dressing?
  8. Do you shuffle your feet and/or take smaller steps when you walk?
  9. Do your feet seem to get stuck to the floor when walking or turning?
  10. Have you or others noticed that you don't swing one arm when walking?
  11. Do you have more trouble with your balance?
  12. Have you or others noticed that you stoop or have abnormal posture?

If you want to discuss these changes with your doctor or if you have noticed a loved one facing some of these difficulties, print this page to start a conversation.

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