Join a Foundation-hosted cycling or run/walk event — locally or virtually! Every mile moves us one step closer to a cure for Parkinson's. Runners, walkers and riders of all experience levels, abilities and speeds are welcome!
The Michael J. Fox Foundation Run/Walk Series
The Michael J. Fox Foundation Run/Walk Series is raising awareness and bringing the community together in support of Parkinson's disease research. Find a location near you and help move a cure over the finish line. | #OutrunPD

2025 Parkinson's Unity Walk
The goal of the Unity Walk has always been to bring a unified Parkinson's disease (PD) community together around a shared goal: to cure Parkinson's. Since its inception in 1994, the event has fundraised more than $29 million for Parkinson's programs and research. Raising over $2.2 million dollars in 2024 thanks to the generous $1M match. We are excited to return to Central Park on April 26, 2025 for the 31st Parkinson's Unity Walk. | #ParkinsonsUnityWalk

The Michael J. Fox Foundation Tour de Fox Cycling Series
Cycle around the neighborhood, a local park or on a stationary bike, and be part of an engaged community of cyclists and supporters helping move us closer to our ultimate finish line: a world without Parkinson’s disease. Every mile counts as we pedal closer to a cure. | #TourdeFox

Fundraise for a Cure
Thousands of Team Fox members worldwide are turning their passions and interests into millions in funding for Parkinson's research.