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Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology and Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research at Harvard Medical School

Director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Location: Boston, MA United States

Alvaro Pascual-Leone’s research aims at understanding the mechanisms that control brain plasticity across the lifespan to be able to modify them for the subject’s optimal behavioral outcome. Pascual-Leone has critically contributed to establish noninvasive brain stimulation techniques as tools to study and modulate brain plasticity. Such non-invasive approaches can lead to clinically relevant therapeutic effects in neuropsychiatry and neurorehabilitation.

Dr. Pascual-Leone has authored over 350 scientific papers and is the recipient of several international honors and awards, including the Ramon y Cajal Award in Neuroscience (Spain), the Norman Geschwind Prize in Behavioral Neurology from the American Academy of Neurology, the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), and the Jean Signoret Prize from the Ipsen Foundation (France). He has delivered a number of named lectureships, was awarded a Chair in Translational Research from the BBVA Foundation, and is an elected member of the Royal Academy of Spain.

Associated Grants

  • MASTER PD: Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Motor and Mood Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease: A Four-Center, Sham-Controlled, Parallel Group Study


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