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365 Days and Over $10M Raised: Another Incredible Year for Team Fox

365 Days and Over $10M Raised: Another Incredible Year for Team Fox

Here at The Michael J. Fox Foundation, one of our favorite New Year's traditions is taking a look back at the unbelievable impact that our Team Fox community had in the twelve months prior. As fellow Team Fox fundraisers ourselves, our staff knows firsthand that it's no easy task to raise funds—nor to run a marathon, organize a gala, share your personal Parkinson's story or rally your community, no less!—and we're grateful beyond measure for the ways this community continues to dig into this effort with immeasurable dedication.

From 50-mile ultramarathons to international film festivals, Team Fox members put all their cards on the table in 2016. And together, their efforts raised over $10 million, 100 percent of which went directly to Parkinson's research and to help speed a cure.

As of January 1, our fundraising numbers have officially reset to $0, and we know it will take both time and teamwork to once again up the ante. But fueled by the unwavering drive, dedication and creativity of our Team Fox community, we're more driven than ever to dig in alongside each of you to make 2017 the biggest and most impactful year for Parkinson's research.

By the numbers, here are just a few of the ways Team Fox members helped make 2016 extraordinary:

$1,100,000: The largest, single year fundraising total achieved in Team Fox history. The champions? Team VICE—a group of 16 VICE Media employees who banded together to each run the NYC Marathon in honor of Andrew Creighton, a fellow VICE colleague who lives with Parkinson's. Last year, Andrew publicly shared his Parkinson's diagnosis while also training to run the NYC Marathon with Team Fox. His 2015 efforts raised over $840,000 and inspired a team of dedicated colleagues to join in the fight this fall. Outstanding!

$711,315: The total raised at the 9 th Annual New England Parkinson's Ride – once again making the ride Team Fox's #1 single-day fundraising event for the third year in a row!  From humble beginnings and 27 cyclists in year one, the New England Parkinson's Ride welcomed over 875 participants this year while simultaneously crossing the $2.5 million mark for cumulative funds raised for research!

38,230: The total number of miles biked for research through the 2016 Tour de Fox Cycling Series . With tour stops in Cleveland, Vancouver and Sonoma, this year's Tour de Fox series welcomed 904 cyclists—each covering distances ranging from 10 to 75 miles—and collectively raised over $825,000. We can't wait to see what happens when we hit the road again this summer!

4,249 : The total number of active Team Fox members who lent their time and talent to help speed a cure for Parkinson's. From international film festivals and summer lemonade stands to ice hockey tournaments and community concerts, throughout the year Team Fox members hosted 453 unique events across the country and around the globe.

530: The number of Team Fox athletes who proudly ran, swam, biked and raced their way across finish lines as part of one of our 15 sponsored races. Whether those miles entailed a family friendly 10K during the Disney World Marathon Weekend in Orlando, Florida or a slightly more taxing 50-mile ultramarathon in upstate New York, together our Team Fox athletic teams' sweat equity raised an unprecedented $2.9 million for research.

20: The number of community-led Fox Trot 5Ks hosted by Team Fox members in 2015. From Charleston, West Virginia to Bolingbrook, IL, Team Fox members in 18 states around the country put their personal stamp on our Fox Trot 5K brand while collectively raising over $340,000 for research! PS. Looking for an event in your area? Check out the dozens of races already on our calendar—including two hosted by Team Fox!—so you can lace up and join in.

14 : The number of create-your-own events that each raised an incredible $100,000+ for Parkinson's research in 2016. Thanks to returning events like the Big Ed Bowl (Chicago, IL) and Tips for Parkinson's (New York City) and three new, first-time events—including the 500 Mile Walk for Parkinson's (NYC to Toronto, ON)—this outstanding group of Team Fox members and teams collectively raised over $3 million!!

10.3: The number (in millions!) that Team Fox members collectively raised for Parkinson's research in 2016.

2: The number of Team Fox events to join the elite $1 million club for historic funds raised for Team Fox. A heartfelt thanks and big congratulations to Team Kickin' Parkinson's (Covington, LA) and the Nicole Jarvis, MD Foundation for Parkinson's Research (Norman, OK)—both of whose founding members, Quentin Dastugue and Nicole Jarvis respectively, are also on MJFF's Patient Council—for their continued dedication to this mission.

But that's not all! Throughout the course of the year, you also looked the part of truly foxy fundraisers. Take a look at the below gallery to see how 2016 was full of that infectious Team Fox spirit!

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Inspired? There's no better time to join the hundreds of community members who have already registered to join the team and make an even larger impact in 2017. Learn how you can get involved today .


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