If you are visiting family you haven't seen in a while, you may not be sure what to expect. If you see change, you may not know what's part of Parkinson's or what to do about it. Watch the video for tips you can use before and during your visit.
For more practical advice on how to plan for a visit, what to look for and how to work through change, download our guide on Visiting Family Who Have Parkinson's.
Ask the MD has been made possible through the leadership of members of our Parkinson's Disease Education Consortium in conjunction with The Albert B. Glickman Parkinson's Disease Education Program and Charles B. Moss Jr. and family. These partners' support allows us to furnish high-quality educational content to the Parkinson's community while maintaining our commitment to allocate donor dollars to high-impact research. Editorial control of all Michael J. Fox Foundation-published content rests solely with the Foundation.