On Tuesday, September 10, join members of our community for Parkinson's Advocacy Day and tell your lawmakers what matters to you when it comes to research funding and access to treatments.
As people with Parkinson's and their loved ones know, you can, and often must, be your own best advocate. No one understands the ins and outs of Parkinson's better than those who are touched by the disease.
On Parkinson's Advocacy Day, 150 patients and care partners will be on Capitol Hill to conduct in-person congressional meetings as part of the 2019 Parkinson's Policy Forum. This event, co-produced by the Parkinson's Foundation and The Michael J. Fox Foundation, brings advocates and lawmakers together to discuss important policies. This year, those include support for comprehensive access to care such as mental health coverage and an out-of-pocket prescription spending cap for Medicare Part D. This year's Forum attendees are constituents of select legislators who decide federal funding levels for medical research and determine policies for access-to-care issues.
By sharing your needs and priorities with elected officials on this day of action, you can play a critical role in shaping their decision-making.
Reaching out by email or phone to your own elected officials on Parkinson's Advocacy Day allows you to amplify the messages conveyed in Capitol Hill meetings. Legislators and their staff need to hear how their policy decisions impact residents of their states and districts. Messages from people with Parkinson's and their loved ones lets Congress know that our issues are important and should be taken into consideration.
Want to learn more about the issues you’ll be calling and emailing about on Parkinson’s Advocacy Day? Take part in the policy training sessions going on at the Forum from the comfort of your home or office the day before. Visit The Michael J. Fox Foundation Facebook page on Monday, September 9 to watch these panels live and get tips on how to talk to lawmakers.
Then, be sure to check your email and visit our Facebook page on Tuesday, September 10, for instructions on how to contact your Congress members.
As an advocate, your voice is powerful. We hope you'll join us in speaking up for our community on Parkinson's Advocacy Day.