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Why Now is Always a Good Time to Start

Why Now is Always a Good Time to Start

Matt Mitchell, crossing the finish line of his second NYC Marathon in 2011.

A native of Vancouver, Canada, Matthew Mitchell has been an active Team Fox member since 2010. Since running his first NYC Marathon, Matthew's involvement with MJFF has since expanded as he has added 3 additional marathons and countless other races to his roster while also serving as a mentor to other Team Fox athletes. Below, Matthew shares his motivation to take an initial leap of faith, run his first 26.2 and redefine his 'impossible' in support of Team Fox.


Three years ago I joined Team Fox and signed up to run my first marathon, the world’s largest in New York City. It had been 10 years since I had run regularly and I was intimidated, scared of not being able to finish; scared to fail. Regardless, I began in a moment of inspiration and apparent faith—in myself—that I would find a way to accomplish something I’d previously thought ‘impossible.’ As I cast aside my fears in that moment, whether blindly or not, I also embraced the power that I had to overcome.

My parents were my motivation to run my first marathon. My father had endured Parkinson's disease for more than a decade and as I watched him gallantly fight against its irreversible tide, with my mom by his side, I knew that I wanted to be a part of ending the disease. I would run to end Parkinson's. Each stride would signal my voice, my contribution to the cause. Within the Michael J Fox Foundation, I saw the vision and the fearlessness necessary to achieve the 'impossible' -- a cure for Parkinson's disease.

Deciding to begin, to run, and to challenge myself to such a physical feat was intimidating. I had never run more than 10k in my life. I had a lot of doubts, mostly in my ability to finish, but I decided I would give it everything I had. That decision changed my life. As I ran, I grew much stronger than I had allowed myself to believe. Increasingly I found peers and a community within Team Fox that emboldened me and let me know that I was not in this alone. Not only did I fight through the toughest parts of my training, and finish my first marathon, but I also thrived and have not looked back since. 

Running, and more precisely, running for Team Fox has not only helped me to find and focus on what is important in my life, but my involvement with MJFF has also encouraged me to follow my passions. I recently left my job and home in Vancouver, Canada to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Helsinki in Finland.  My thesis is focused on understanding the impact that individuals can have on social change through the world of new media. The Team Fox community serves not only as the inspiration for my project, but is also directly involved in the research.  

I am now doing what I love because I made the decision to begin. That decision, and the experiences and relationships that have manifested as a result, have changed the course of my life and empowered me in ways I cannot explain nor fully comprehend.

This fall I am returning to run the New York City Marathon, inspired once again by a goal that I once thought was ‘impossible’– finishing in less than three hours.  I know two things: it is going to be hard, and it’s going to be worth it. 

This year, Team Fox has the rare and exciting opportunity to bring a Super Team of 250 runners to the starting line on November 3rd. But we can’t do it alone. Whether you have Parkinson’s, know of a friend or family member affected by PD or are simply invested in helping fight for a cure, I encourage you to join me in New York this fall. Choose to redefine your ‘impossible’, choose to begin.

I’ll see you at the starting line.

Editor's Note: Excerpts from the above were also included in a recent article that Matt authored for the Huffington Post. To read the full article, click here:

Team Fox is the grassroots community fundraising program at The Michael J. Fox Foundation. Each year more than 1,600 Team Fox members worldwide turn their passions and interests into unique fundraising events and athletic feats.

To date, our members have raised nearly $20 million for Parkinson’s research. You too can make a difference. Sign up today!

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