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Stephen Dunne, MSc

Director, Neuroscience Business Unit at Starlab Barcelona SL

Location: Marburg Germany

Mr. Stephen Dunne began his studies in the Galway Technical College where he obtained a national certificate in instrument physics. From there, he moved to the University of Wales in Aberystwyth where he obtained a BSc (Honors) in planetary and space physics. Following this, he obtained a masters in optoelectronics and information processing from Queens University in Belfast, carrying out a research thesis at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. In 2003, he joined Starlab, where he is currently director of neuroscience research. His group developed the prototype Starstim and Enobio devices that were later successfully spun-out to Neuroelectrics. His research interests include brain-computer interface, HCC, user affective and cognitive state, electroencephalogram (measures electrical activity in the brain; EEG) signal analysis and neuromarker discovery. He is also developing business models for the transfer of this research to the market with a strong focus on neuromarkers.

Associated Grants

  • Multi-center Study of EEG Biomarkers for Alpha-synucleinopathy Diagnosis and Prognosis Decision Support Tools Using Machine Learning


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