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CBS' 'Undercover Boss' Stirs Dialogue on the Important Role of Caregivers

[<a href="…" mce_href="…" target="_blank">View the story "CBS' 'Undercover Boss' Stirs Dialogue on the Important Role of Caregivers" on Storify</a>]<h1>CBS' 'Undercover Boss' Stirs Dialogue on the Important Role of Caregivers</h1><h2>Team Fox members, Rick and Wendy Tigner, raise awareness for Parkinson's during episode of Undercover Boss. </h2><p>Storified by · Mon, Jan 30 2012 17:26:44</p><div>Last night MJFF friends and supporters Rick and Wendy Tigner appeared in an episode of CBS' <span style="font-style: italic;" mce_style="font-style: italic;"><a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">Undercover Boss</a></span>. While the episode was devoted to Rick's position as President of <a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">Kendall-Jackson Winery</a>, Rick, along with his wife Wendy, used part of the episode to share their personal connection to Parkinson's disease. <br><br>Diagnosed in 2006 with PD, Wendy takes 7 - 8 pills a day to offset her symptoms and stays active through tennis and swimming. So devoted to finding a cure, the Tigners hosted their first Team Fox fundraiser this past fall on behalf of The Michael J. Fox Foundation, raising $60,000 for research.  <br><br>Rick spoke of his wife's condition several times during the episode, demonstrating his support and care for Wendy. The personal moments of the episode underscored the important role a caregiver plays in the well-being of the patient. Several caregivers and patients chimed in with their heart-felt thanks and appreciation, while also sharing their own stories, on our Facebook page. <br></div><div>Rick's support of his wife is heartwarming! As a person dealing with Parkinson's myself I know how important having a good support system is. My mom. dad, sister, daughter, son, and my close friends have been very supportive! I thank he...aven every day for each of them. I also know what it's like to not receive receive support from a spouse. A diagnosis of Parkinson's is difficult for all involved and some people handle it poorly and others handle it well. Rick brought tears to my eyes because he truly cares and it shows. His wife is very lucky!!!Michele Kornaus</div><div>Thank you to Rick Tigner for being awareness to this disease. He reminds me of my dad taking care of my mom who has Parkinson. Pray for a cure to be found. Pray for those who live with this disease and their caregivers..Patricia Pyle Berkeley</div><div>Kudos to all the men and women who support their spouses with PD. My husband is one of those heros. His unflagging support is an example of true FAMILY VALUES.Rose Firestone</div><div>Rick and Wendy are great partners in the fight against PD!! I am lucky, as well ,to have a supportive and caring wife and daughter!! Great job on the show!! And great job with your company and family!John H Ryan</div><div>Like Rick I also have a wife with PD, I struggle with balancing work, travel and being there for her. Thanks for mentioning that Wendy has PD so America can become more aware of the disease. Great show and I wish the Kendall Jackson family the best, and the best for Rick and Wendy.Steve Reed</div><div>For more information, visit the Michael J. Fox Foundation website where our <a href="…" mce_href="…" target="_blank">guide for caregivers</a> offers advice and resources. To learn about additional opportunities for spouses, discover <a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">100 Husbands</a>, the Foundation's initiative to increase the enrollment of men in clinical trials. <br></div>
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