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16 Reasons to Participate in Parkinson's Clinical Trials

16 Reasons to Participate in Parkinson's Clinical Trials

May 4-8 marks 2015's Clinical Trials Awareness Week. As a reader of our blog, you know that clinical trials need volunteers in order to drive new treatments for Parkinson's disease through testing on ultimately to pharmacy shelves. Join us in celebrating Clinical Trials Awareness Week by signing up for Fox Trial Finder or, if you are already registered, by spreading the word about the need for clinical trial volunteers. Visit today.

Below, 16 members of our community tell us why participating in research is so crucial to speeding new treatments and a cure.

Priscilla Elliott: Clinical research is important because it’s the only way to gain answers to the myriad questions we have about Parkinson’s disease.

Robin Katsaros: I volunteer in clinical trials because I want to be part of the solution, and I truly believe that if I'm not part of the solution, then I'm part of the problem. People always think it's "them" - the other people - that will find a cure. Well guess what? "THEM" is "US". It's really simple.

Christopher Smith: Getting adequate numbers of volunteers is paramount to success. Clinical trials can be as simple as saying ‘ahhhhh!!!’ into a telephone and as complicated as having a spinal tap … so I say, do whatever you are comfortable with - just do something. Get out there and volunteer whether you have PD or not – everyone counts!

Bryan Roberts: Parkinson’s is a complex neurological disease and, if you want to view this in combative terms, a very worthy adversary. The only way we can beat the disease is to rally everyone to the cause. We are greater than the sum of our parts and when people work together for common cause, anything is possible.

Steve DeWitte: Many people believe that clinical trials will benefit the next generation. I believe the trials being conducted TODAY have a chance of bringing benefit to those that participate NOW.

Claudia Revilla: When I was diagnosed PD, I didn’t like it when I heard that there was nothing that could be done, when indeed there is – participate in clinical trials!

Felicia Gordon: Clinical trials are crucial in finding a cure and better therapeutic options for those currently living with Parkinson’s.  I am proud and honored to know that my friends and family are supportive and want to be involved.  It’s a selfless act to participate in a clinical trial, and means the world to all of us involved in this fight.

Susan Mollohan: By participating in clinical trials, even if you do not have the disease, you become part of the solution. Why wouldn’t you want to help? 

Kate Harmon: If my Dad and all my friends with Parkinson's can continue to get up each day and continue to fight for a cure, I can sign up to be a control in a trial. Controls are just as important as PD patients.  

Bob Harmon (Kate’s Dad ^): My family's involvement means more to me than my own. My involvement is personal, even selfish, whereas their involvement is truly selfless. It proves "We are not alone" on this journey.

Jodi Cianci: Too many clinical trial studies are stopped before they are finished due to lack of volunteers.  Participating in a study may result in being the ‘one’ that brings us across the finish line in finding the cure.  Volunteering is important because you simply don’t know if the study that was cancelled would have been the winner.

Gary Rafaloff: I volunteer to participate because someone has to do it. I want a cure for PD so my children and grandchildren don't have to worry about it years from now.

Freddy Kalles: I am volunteering whatever time I can afford. It means so much knowing that others are doing the same.

Julie Steen: What does it mean to me if friends/family members without PD volunteer for trials? It means everything.

Israel Robledo: When friends and family without PD volunteer for trials, it means that they are willing to do their part in helping get rid of Parkinson’s Disease. It also means that they are as committed as I am to helping improve the lives of those living with and dealing with PD on a daily basis.

Jill Baldwin: I choose to use my energy for positive action, and participating in clinical trials gives me a sense of control over the disease. People need to be involved for better treatment options, disease modifications and a cure to be found.  So why not me?  How about you?

Join us in celebrating Clinical Trials Awareness Week by signing up for Fox Trial Finder. If you're already registered, check your matches, update your profile if necessary and spread the word! Visit now.

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