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Two Heroes, Thousands of Miles Apart, Step Up for PPMI

Two Heroes, Thousands of Miles Apart, Step Up for PPMI

This guest post comes to us from Foundation friend, Karen Jaffe, MD. Karen is an OB/GYN in Cleveland, Ohio, and a member of MJFF's Patient Council. She and her husband, Marc, are both Team Fox members.

I am not a complete ‘newby’ to this world of Parkinson’s heroes, but I am continually amazed at how often I find another one stepping up to the plate. Of course, each and every one takes their lead from Mr. Fox who has a determination that seems boundless.

But not far behind are the men and women who have made the tough decision to enroll in the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI). Why? Because, in my opinion, this study holds the key to the cure and they should be commended. MJFF has put their money, their time and their scientific expertise into this study, but the study participants have given each of us with Parkinson’s disease something even more valuable: hope for a possible cure.

My husband Marc’s early enrollment has him leading a pack of family and friends who have unbelievably stepped up to the plate as well, making Cleveland one of the first study sites to reach their one-year enrollment numbers in less than 10 months! Then several months ago another hero came forward....Clyde Campbell. Although I have not met him — yet — his determination and generosity is now widely known through the collaboration of his foundation Shake It Up with MJFF to bring PPMI to Australia. I say “the more the merrier!” in order to get this study done.

The individual stories of Marc’s and Clyde’s exceptional generosity, living thousands of miles apart and never having met, has been now linked together in the second part of an exposé about the Australian arm of PPMI, which officially launched this April — appropriately during Parkinson’s Awareness Month. I am lucky to have Marc and Clyde in my corner … they are undoubtedly heroes in my book.

Read the MJFF blog post about Marc and Karen’s interview on ‘Sunday Night Australia.’

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