Neville Munro was a basketball Olympian, a successful lawyer, published author, financial adviser and member of UBC’s Athletics Hall of Fame. He also lived with Parkinson’s disease for 16 years—a part of his life that he lived with dignity and grace. Above all of this, he was a beloved grandfather. Grandsons Scott, Sean, Ross and Ryan Mackinnon knew him as “Baha.” He was their idol who consistently taught them to live life to the fullest, despite its occasional hardships.
To celebrate Baha’s life and to honor him in a way they never have before, the Mackinnon brothers will ride across Canada, from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Halifax, Nova Scotia—a journey that Baha himself wanted to make with his son, Dave, but couldn’t start because his Parkinson’s symptoms progressed too quickly. Scott, 30, is the eldest of the Mackinnon brothers. He says, “This bike ride means finishing something that our Baha started a long time ago. He inspired us for so many years, I feel it is our turn to pay him the respect he has always deserved.”
Sean (27), Ross (25) and Ryan (22) echo Scott’s sentiments, adding that they are eager to raise awareness for Team Fox in an effort to help all of those who currently live with Parkinson's disease. The four brothers—all of whom are seasoned athletes—will put their minds and bodies to the ultimate test as they experience this once in a lifetime journey together.
Their ride begins on May 19, 2012 and will end in July. They hope to raise $40,075—or $1 for every kilometer each of them will ride, as well as $1 for every kilometer Baha would have ridden. If you live anywhere along the route, be sure to cheer them on!
To learn more about their inspiring story and see how you can get involved, check out their Web site.