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Thank you for joining the study that could change everything. Watch this short video to hear from PPMI leaders Ken Marek, MD, and Caroline Tanner, MD, PhD, on the impact of your participation and the promise of PPMI to help prevent brain disease.

Look for an email over the next few months sharing that your next study visit is open. Whether you have Parkinson's or not, you can help make advances toward better brain health. The more data you add, the faster we can move forward. 

PPMI is always seeking to learn more about the backgrounds and motivations of people in the study. If interested, please email your story to along with the best contact information to reach you. We may reach out to learn more or share your story in future communications.

Please note: This page is for people enrolled in our PPMI study. Haven't signed up? Take a short survey to get started today.

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